Youth Ministry (Ages 10-18): Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders Today

At Prosser Church of the Nazarene, our Young Adult Ministry is more than just a program; it's a vibrant and empowering community for young people aged 10 to 18. We are committed to nurturing the next generation, helping them grow in their faith, and equipping them to become strong leaders of tomorrow.

What We Offer:

  1. Youth-Centered Worship: We create an engaging and age-appropriate worship experience that allows young adults to connect with God and express their faith in meaningful ways.

  2. Bible Study and Discipleship: Our ministry focuses on helping young adults explore their faith, ask questions, and deepen their understanding of God's Word. We encourage them to build a personal relationship with Christ.

  3. Leadership Development: We believe in empowering young adults to become leaders within our church and community. Through mentorship and practical leadership opportunities, we help them discover and develop their talents and potential.

  4. Fellowship and Fun: Our ministry isn't just about learning; it's also about building lasting friendships. We offer a supportive and enjoyable atmosphere where young adults can share experiences, make friends, and have fun.

  5. Service and Outreach: We encourage our young adults to serve others and make a positive impact on the world. Our ministry is actively involved in community service and mission projects, fostering a spirit of compassion and social responsibility.

  6. Safe and Inclusive Environment: The safety and well-being of our young adults are paramount. We provide a secure, welcoming, and inclusive space for them to learn, grow, and thrive.

Join us at Prosser Church of the Nazaren and let your young adult explore their faith journey within a supportive and inspiring community. We are dedicated to helping them navigate the challenges of adolescence while building a strong foundation for a life rooted in Christ.