Mission Ministry: Serving Locally and Impacting Globally

At Prosser Church of the Nazarene, our Mission Ministry is at the heart of our commitment to serve those in need, both locally and across the globe. We believe that as followers of Christ, we are called to be His hands and feet in the world, making a positive impact in the lives of others.

What We Do:

  1. Local Outreach: Our Mission Ministry is deeply rooted in our local community. We actively engage in serving the needs of our neighbors, such as homelessness and  hunger. We run local initiatives like soup kitchens, clothing drives, and crisis care support to bring relief and hope to those in our immediate vicinity.

  2. Global Missions: Our commitment to global missions extends our reach to communities far and wide. We support missionaries, mission trips, and partnerships with organizations that work to bring the message of hope, healing, and salvation to people around the world. We believe in the power of faith in action on a global scale.

  3. Empowering the Broken and the Lost: Whether we're assisting a family struggling in our local neighborhood or a community in a distant land, our mission remains the same: to serve the broken and the lost. We provide both practical assistance and spiritual support to help individuals and communities thrive.

  4. Community Building: Our Mission Ministry is not just about charity; it's about building relationships and fostering a sense of community. We believe in walking alongside those we serve, empowering them to overcome challenges and find a path to a better future.

  5. Compassion in Action: We invite all members of our church family to join us in putting compassion into action. Whether it's through volunteering, supporting mission projects, or contributing to the mission fund, everyone has a role to play in making a difference.

Join us in the Mission Ministry at Harvest Nazarene Church and be part of a community that believes in being the change the world needs. Together, we can make a lasting impact both locally and globally, spreading the love of Christ to every corner of the earth.